When I took Ella into the woods this past weekend I was hoping to find some mushrooms before the season was over. Instead, we found Ella's new best friend. Early into our venture, I stumbled upon a snake, ruining any sort of good vibe that I originally had of being in the woods alone with my 3 year-old. From then on I could never truly shake the heeby-jeebies it created. Shortly after, however, I stumbled upon "Froggy" as Ella has named him. Quite original actually, since "Froggy" is really a Toad. We sat and played with him for a good while, and the only way I could get her back to the car was by making a promise that he could come home with us. So, there you have it, Ella has adopted her first pet. She wants to hold him, watch him, and play with him every second of the day. She can hardly contain her excitement for this little creature. So much so that she jumps out of bed in the morning (6AM I might add) insisting that we "go see Froggy". My hope for Froggy is that I am able to keep him alive, as being a toad owner is uncharted territory for me. Will keep you posted...
I hope Mr. Froggy is alive and well. I gave Nick a pet frog once - Maverick - and he didn't make it very long. Poor, poor, Maverick.
Bran - send Mr. Froggy back into the woods! As much of a perfectionist as you are, how the heck are you going to keep Mr. Froggy alive?! It will be a lot harder explaining Mr. Froggy's death than explaining that his Mommy and Daddy and Aunts and Uncles and 42 cousins all miss him terribly and he needs to return to the forest to see them. :)
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