
A Very Long Day

Ella's schedule now consists of Mondays' & Tuesdays' with her Daddy and Wednesday through Sundays with with Mama. So, a week into my new job, on a Tuesday, I'm walking home from work and receive a frantic phone call from Jeff..."We were playing with the ball outside and Ella tripped and fell on the sidewalk. Her tooth is really, really loose and it's about to come out..." I remain calm, assure him that I am on my way, hang up the phone, and run home. Thank God I'm less than a block away. I race over to Jeff's, walk in the door, and all I hear is "The tooth is GONE". I take one look at poor Ella, with her tears running down her face, whimpering, and all I see is an empty black hole in her mouth. I turn away for a split second to stop my own tears from forming, and I immediately decide that remaining calm and rational at this point is going to be in everyone's best interests. I take Ella and try to calm her down as best I can while Jeff makes dozens of phone calls to doctors and dentists. We have no idea what to do. One of her two front teeth is completely out, root and all, and her other front tooth is chipped. She has a nice scrape on her chin and her knee is pretty banged up too. After about a half hour of runaround's with doctor's, Jeff is directed to go to the emergency room (after being told not too when he called 911 the first time). We all hop in the car, and off to Munson we go. I, being that it was a Tuesday, had plans with Rusty that evening, and on our short drive to the hospital, I receive a text message from him stating, "I'm going to be a little late. Just got in a wreck on my bike."

WHAT???? Are you freaking kidding me?! Um. Ok. Let's stay calm people. I immediately call him, ask him if he's ok, tell him I'm on the way to ER with Ella, and he says he's fine. We arrive at the hospital, tooth in hand, and are told by the doctor there is absolutely nothing he can do. She has no lacerations in her lip, which is great, and the tooth came out so clean that there is no need to repair anything. As for the tooth that's in the baggy, it will have to be a keepsake. Because it's still a primary tooth, the damage that could be caused to the permanent tooth if they were to try to put the primary tooth back in is too risky. Not to mention the trauma it would have on Ella. The other front tooth that is chipped has no sign of nerve damage and will just remain chipped. And, so we left. Ella will now be toothless until around the age of 6 when her permanent tooth will grow in. This is causing a bit of stress for me, as you can imagine! Some time has past, and the hole where her tooth was, is healing nicely, and the chipped tooth doesn't seem to be dying or anything so that's all good news.

On to Rusty's accident. He was biking with a buddy down a hill on a residential road, going about 35 mph when a Ford Expedition, who had stopped at a stop sign, pulled out right in front of Rusty (who had the right of way). Rusty crashed right into the driver's side door, leaving quite a dent, breaking the bike, literally, in half in 3 different places, and cracking his helmet in two. Rusty walked away with nothing more than a sore shoulder and a few scrapes and bruises. He was LUCKY. Knowing how fast he rides his bike, that could have ended much more tragically. And, now Rusty is the proud owner of a brand new Cannondale bike and Giro Helmet, thanks to the owner of the Ford Expedition.

Although, it was a day I certainly wouldn't ask to do over again, I am so thankful that things didn't turn out any worse than they did. It was a day of accidents and headaches, but at least we are all ok and alive!

So, everything happens in 3's right? I spent 2 hours on the phone later that night with my best friend...he lost his job. He has 2 children, one on the way, and his wife is a stay-at-home mom. UGH!

I was pretty happy for that day to end!

1 comment:

C said...

Wow. Brandi, I'm so sorry! What a horrible day! But you're right - you have so much to be thankful for that things weren't worse. And I personally think Ella's new look is absoultey adorable and will make for a lifetime of stories and giggles!