For the holiday weekend, Rusty & I headed up north once again to Wildman Ranch, only this time we took Ella Bella with us. The weather worked in our favor also, with temperatures in the low 70's every day and plenty of sunshine. It was a trip full of firsts...first 6 hour road trip for the 3 of us...first camping trip for Ella...first campfire...first sea kayaking trip for Ella & I...first roasted marshmallow...first time meeting little Jo Jo...and first time on the climbing tower for me
and Ella. What an awesome weekend for everyone, and Ella was truly a gem the entire time. She proved herself to be quite the wilderness warrior. She played so hard that every naptime came early and every bedtime was at her request. By the time we got home, her nailbeds were caked with dirt and it's taking at least 2 baths to get the sap out of her hair. But, all in all, it was well worth the trip!
On our way there, we stopped at Daves Falls so Rusty could show us the waterfall he kayaked so impressively (same one from the video I posted). There, he snapped this picture of us...

That evening, we built a campfire and hung out with, according to Ella, "Mama's Friend, Mike". Mike is actually Rusty's friend and the director of the ranch. Either way, Ella was pretty smitten by Mike, constantly asking if we could "Go find Mike" all weekend....

While Rusty was working, Ella and I spent a lot of time down at the riverbankthrowing rocks and pine cones in the water while watching the boats come down the river. She happily would have hopped right on in that river if I would have let her.

We also played hide-n-go-seek. This was her hiding spot...

More to come...
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