

When Spring arrives in the Neumann family, we head out to the woods and hunt for morel mushrooms. Something that has been going on in my family forever and ever. I found out this weekend, firsthand, that this Northern Michigan past time is in my blood. We're out deep in the woods a half-hour from Traverse City, not a sole around, and we hear someone yell out, "Aunt Sharon, what are you doing in my mushroom spot?!" It was my cousin. You see, around here, the true 'shroom hunter keeps their spots top secret. My Aunt Wendy has her secret spots that I don't even think her husband knows about! Anyway, I know people may think I'm crazy. Actually, I know they do because my friend Katie stopped by my house on Sunday as I was walking out the door, and she told me I was crazy. But, not only are these mushrooms, in my opinion, the tastiest on the planet, getting outside after a long, cold winter is beyond refreshing. I had a feeling it may be a little early still this weekend, but we headed out anyway only to come up empty handed. We found 1. However, it was a beautiful weekend that needed to be spent outside, and we had 2 very yummy picnics in the process.

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