
In memory of the 2009 Holiday Card

As most of you know (because you receive them!) I have been doing homemade Christmas cards for the last few years. Because I worked every day the entire month of December this year, I just couldn't find the time to make holiday cards. So, I created a cute picture card through my favorite picture website and placed the order. Just in time for me to receive & have them in the mail before Dec. 20th. Well, I was in a bit of a tizzy when Dec. 22nd rolled around, and NO cards!! It took a couple of days, but I came to the realization that, like most things in my life, the cards were going to be late. BUT, Better Late Than Never, RIGHT?? To this day, those stinking cards have still not showed up! I'm getting all riled up just thinking about it. So...I'm posting the pictures that were on the card and wishing you all Happy Holidays!! Love, Brandi & Ella Rae (better late than never!)

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